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Dear Sheehan Adopt A Family Contributors,
As we approach the holiday season, I am reaching out to share the urgent need for support within our community, particularly as it relates to the growing crisis of youth homelessness and poverty in Los Angeles. As of 2024, one third of ALL homeless people are children, and in
 Los Angeles County there are 65,484 students! To add to this terrifying statistic, foster care children turning 18, who are left without a home the day after their 18th birthdays are the single fastest growing population in homeless encampments (up 29% in the last 3 years). These numbers highlight the ever more urgent and pressing need for a real “plan for success”. SAF is not the kind of charity to wait years for the government to help, we are a true grass roots, feet on the ground charitable organization with no middle man, overhead or political agenda. Every contribution you make goes directly into the hands of the most needy, now when it’s needed most.
Three years ago, The Sheehan Adopt-A-Family Project “SAF Project” a 501(c)3 charitable organization FINALLY reached its ultimate goal, helping not just mentor, educate and employ foster care youth, but also HOME 34 foster care homeless kids! This year, SAF hopes to underwrite at least 15 paid Internships (that includes housing) for only $750 per student per each 6 months.. The SAF Project works hand in hand with Stepping Forward Los Angeles to catch these kids as they age out of the foster care system, BEFORE they become homeless. We help empower young adults by connecting them to their 1st “real life paid internship”, working for SFLA as an Intern, teaching their own peers how to access and prepare healthy and nutritious meals, tutoring them in both academic and technological mentorships, career development, financial literacy, providing a paying job, and a safe warm bed and roof over their young heads. Each student learns the course material for 3 months, then TEACHES the new residents, thus truly owning the information, by repeating and living it daily.
Your partnership with us can make a profound difference in the lives of those affected by these alarming statistics. By “adopting” a youth through our program, you can directly impact their well-being and provide them with hope, housing, education and a job that will fill them with pride and a future during these challenging times. We invite you to join us in this critical mission. Any contribution you can make to The SAF project, will be invaluable in helping us reach our goal this holiday season and is a 501c3 tax free deduction.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a meaningful impact. If you would like to help, please send gift cards or checks to the address listed below, or click below 100% safe online donation. We also made an Amazon “wish list” if you wish you buy actual gifts or gift cards for these kids and lastly